About us

The company “BIOPRODUCTION” Ltd is launched in 2012, in Kazanlak. Here is the Valley of the roses and Thracian kings. For a very short time from the beginning of our history, we try to produce high quality products. To guarantee their quality we have our own fields with Kazanlak roses. In Bulgaria, Rosa Damascena is brought from Syria. In the past, this rose was cultivated in Damask, from where comes its name. During 13th century the rose was transported to Turkey and after that in Bulgaria as well. The moderate continental climate, the suitable soil and the mountain water are the three factors for Rose Damascena to have the most suitable conditions and to be cultivated here. The valley is in the lower parts of Sredna Gora, in the Rose of Valley, where are situated our fields. Rosa Damascena reaches 2m heights and the roots reach up to 5m depth. Well cultivated rose can live up to 25 years. This rose blooms once a year, for the period of 25 to 30 days. The harvest of rose is in the middle of May. The rose’s blossom is picked only by hands by skillful women. The picking of the blossom starts early in the morning from 5 am to 11 am. Then the rose’s blossoms are transferred to the distillery where starts its process. The rose’s blossom should be processing up to 12 hours so they keep the features of the rose oil. The technology of producing rose oil is called water steam distillation. In stainless steel tanks the rose blossom are set. The tanks are filled up with hot water. Then the tanks are closed and the steam is turned on. This is how the distillation process starts. It lasts about two and a half hours. The result is rose water with high concentrate of rose oil. The product is stored in Florentine tank. Under the temperature of 25 degree, the rose oil is separated from the rose water. This is how the rose oil is extracted in the containers where it is reserved. The produced products are used in cosmetics, perfumery, pharmacy and others.

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